The Path of Life

The Path of Life

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sacred rhythms

Lent is a time of reassessment, reawakening, and reconciliation--a time to recharge spiritually, if you will, and return our gaze and realign our wills to that of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. It is he who leads us, and sometimes we need to hit the "pause button" in our lives in order to become reacquainted and reoriented.

Monasteries, of course, are good places to do that. But you don't necessarily have to be a monk or visit a monastery to incorporate such values and practices into your daily life. Whoever and wherever you are, and whatever you do, it is possible--and absolutely necessary!--to follow a sacred rhythm of life that allows space and time to listen with the ear of the heart to what God is saying to you. As we pray at Vigils in the monastery: "Today, listen to the voice of the Lord" (Psalm 95).

To that end, here are links to two helpful Internet articles I ran across today. They each deal with different topics and come from different sources, but nonetheless point in the same direction:


In addition, you may be interested in the following books from Path of Life Publications (the first one is brand new). Just click on the image for more information:

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